Youth Programs

The Street Outreach Program (SOP) provides street-based services to homeless and at-risk youth ages 16-21. For questions, contact SOP at 225-255-1330 or 

The Awareness, Mentorship, Prevention, Protection (AMPP) Violence Prevention Program’s goal is to provide comprehensive services and support for juvenile offenders, at risk youth, and survivors of domestic abuse and gun violence.

Dreamville is an afterschool program designed to further the E225 mission by creating a fun, safe, meaningful environment for teens that will keep them occupied and engaged in positive social activities. You can expect food, career exploration, video games, leadership development, sports, field trips, life skills, and many more engaging experiences. For more information email

Youth & Family Services

My Community Cares (MCC) is a community-driven, neighborhood-based approach that brings children and families who have lived experience in the child welfare system, community members, and agency partners together to co-design and implement a network of quality services and supports. Services include:  needs assessment, parent and community cafes, advocacy, and solution-based case management. Families who are eligible for MCC services live in zip codes 70802, 70805, and 70806, who are involved or at-risk of becoming involved in foster care or kinship care. To get help or refer someone in need, call the MCC Team at 225-588-7615.  Community members Interested in joining a Neighborhood Team or community partners and leaders interested in joining the Anchor Team, contact the MCC Team at

Independent Living provides life skills training to youth currently in foster care ages 14- 17 years old and case management to young adults who have aged out of foster care ages 18-23 years old. Independent living provides services to East and West Baton Rouge, East and West Feliciana, Pointe Coupee, and Iberville.

Preventing Trafficking of Girls

The Preventing Trafficking of Girls (PTG) Program provides or enhance preventative education, case management, and mentorship to girls ages 12-18 who are at risk and whom have been identified as a victim of human trafficking.

Housing Programs

Anchor House provides stable housing and support for homeless or at-risk male youth ages 16-21 in Baton Rouge who are trying to improve their lives. It is an eight-bed family-style transitional living program used to create a supportive home environment.

Adult Education

The Empower 225 Adult Education Program targets out-of-school youth (16-24) and adults (25 and up) that lack a high school diploma, are basic skills deficient, unemployed or underemployed, and lack employability skills. The center is located in 4829 Winbourne Ave. Baton Rouge, LA 70805 In addition to education support, the program provides supportive services and case management. Participants can study for the Louisiana High School Equivalency Exam (HiSET), learn skills to get a job and explore career options. Participants may also qualify to enroll in a vocational program or receive industry-based training leading to certification. Courses are offered on-site and online. Register HERE.

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Click Here for a Volunteer Application

Picture Strip of Youth Smiling Faces